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General FAQ

  • We currently ship within Australia only
  • Shipping cost will be calculated at checkout
  • Your purchased item will be prepared the day payment transaction has been completed
  • Any discount coupon code can be applied to your order during the checkout process
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  • Valid Gift Cards can be applied to your shopping cart by either clicking on the supplied link on your Gift Card email, scanning the Gift Card QR code or by manually entering the Gift Card code during the checkout process.
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  • Gift Cards or any Gift Card amount cannot be redeemed for cash.
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  • Any remaining Gift Card amount may be used for future transactions prior to the Gift Card expiration date.

  • Gift Cards are valid for 36 months from the date of purchase.

If your shipment has been damaged in transit, or the product is found to be faulty we will totally replace it. Please contact us and throw in some images that show the damage or fault when claiming a replacement.

You may – especially during the colder season – notice some ´popping´ sound originating from your HYDROCAN™ prior to opening it.

Those sounds are caused by the difference in the ambient temperature resulting the air inside of your HYDROCAN™ to expand or contract, and causing the aluminium container to deform just so slightly.

This action will not affect the product´s quality and you will find that once the ambient temperature increases, your HYDROCAN™ will return to its original condition.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details or check our more Readable  Privacy Policy version that pretty much wraps everything up in a few paragraphs instead.

Grow Instructions FAQ

  • Don´t place any of the components in the dishwasher.
  • Rinse with warm clean water only (no detergent).
  • Don´t submerge the HYDROCAN (the label is NOT waterproof).
  • If necessary, scrub the inside with a bottle brush.
  • If heavily soiled, use some diluted bleach solution or some bicarb soda and let soak for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • Wash the grow cup and lid with warm water (do not use hot water on the grow cup lid).
  • Allow to dry completely prior to proceeding with the next batch.

Now, this is very important!

  • Use only non-carbonated, bottled, demineralised, reverse osmosis or clean rain water (preferably filtered via activated carbon or activated charcoal filters).
  • If you must use chlorinated town water, you can boil it for 15min or leave uncovered in the sun for 24 hours to remove most of the chlorine additions. Placing a couple of lemon slices in the water will speed up the process of removing chlorine from the water. (Don’t forget to remove the lemon!)
  • Clip / cut lower leaves once the plant reaches approx. 20cm and starts to branch.
  • Once the plant has developed multiple branches cut the stem about 1.5 cm above the highest branch, to enourage growth of additional side branches and to increase the harvest amount.
  • Clip off any flowers once they appear.
  • Water should be added once the remaining nutrient solution has depleted to approx. 2cm (usually after around four to five weeks, depending on plant species and ambient temperature), at which time you will need to add an additional 250ml of clean water.

  • Depending on your plant species, you may have been supplied with an additional liquid nutrient pack. The contents of this sachet should be carefully mixed with one litre of clean water.

  • As your plant reaches maturity it will require more water. To maximise the harvest period, when the water level drops to around 2cm you should alternate the refill process with 250ml of clean water, and the next time with 250ml of the mixed nutrient solution. (Please store the mixed solution in a cool, dark place.)

  • If you don´t use a grow light, you will need to rotate the seedling towards the sun / light source every day or two.
  • Unless your plant is located outside and exposed to wind (or a fan when grown inside), you should gently (and lovingly) brush it with the back of your fingers whenever you walk past it. This action will result in a stronger stem growth. Only do this when the seedling has reached a height of approx. 3-5cm (1.5″ – 2″)
  • A leggy plant (long, thin & weak stem) indicates insufficient light and you should move the plant to a brighter location and utilise the support post included with your HydroCan
  • If you encounter excessive algae build-up on top of your grow medium, cover it with some non-transparent material, eg. aluminium foil, to prevent further algae growth.
  • The capillary wick is designed to ensure adequate nutrient supply in case the water level depletes faster than the plant root system develops (eg. due to excessive evaporation).

In general, a hydroponic grow system requires careful maintenace and constant monitoring of various factors, required for a successful growing process. Our products do not require the constant adjustment of these variables when following the enclosed instructions. Your HydroCan is rather forgiving and will allow a sucessfull plant growth even though optimal conditions may not be met. Here are just some factors that need to be considered when embarking into the world of hydroponic plant growing.

  • pH (power of hydrogen / potential of hydrogen) refers to the acidity / alkalinity of the water and requires to be maintained at a value of 5.5-6.5 (depending on plant species).
  • EC (electrical conductivity) this value indicates the amount of nutrients contained in the water and must be maintained in between the value of 1.0-1.6 (depending on plant species).
  • ppm (parts per million) is another form of how to measure the amount of nutrients in the solution and must be maintained at, or around 800 to 1500 (depending on plant species).
  • Temperature of the nutrient solution as well as ambient temperature is another critical factor to be controlled for a sucessful and persistent hydroponic process and should be within the range of 18.5 ºC – 26.5 ºC
  • Oxygen levels of the solution must be adequate in order to provide a sufficient supply to the hydroponic plant. This is often achieved by submerging airstones (like those used in aquariums), connected to an air pump into the nutrient solution. Our products do not require this addition as your plant will develop “water-roots” as well as “air-roots” and oxygen is absorbed via the non-submerged “air-roots”.

Before planting:

  • Keep in a cool place away from sunlight until ready to plant.
  • Keep out of reach of children – the amount of the nutrient solution included is considered non-toxic, however should not be ingested.
  • Small parts may present a choking hazard.
  • Once opened, your HYDROCAN may retain some sharp edges – please be careful when disposing of the removed aluminium lid.
  • Use scissors when opening the nutrient solution to avoid spillage.

Once planted:

  • Retain remaining seeds by sealing the seed packet with some sticky tape.
  • Keep the planted seeds warm and slightly humid during germination.
  • Use the germination dome until the seedlings almost reach to the top of the dome. Any condensation on the inside of the dome is normal.
  • Maintain the temperature at around 18.5ºC – 26.5ºC (you may need to use a small fan to prevent overheating if placed in direct sunlight)
  • Do not lift the HYDROCANlid too frequently as any contaminant and excessive light will enourage algae grow.

Full spectrum grow lights for your plants are available from our website. These will ensure adequate light and maximise the growth process to allow you to place your plant anywhere in your home.

  • Turn on the grow light once a seedling has emerged.
  • Follow the grow lights instructions and set the interval to 12 hours on and then 12 hours off.
  • The light should be placed close to the plant (approx. 8cm (3″) above) with the distance being maintained as the plant height increases.

You can reuse your HydroCan as well as the lid, and germination dome, when harvest is complete, by ordering affordable refill kits available on our website, or by visiting your local reseller.

The refill kit contains seeds of your choice with the matching nutrient solution, grow cup, capillary wick and grow medium, as well as a set of step-by-step instructions.

  • When using a refill pack, it is a good idea to retain the enclosed batch label for traceability, and follow the instructions that are enclosed with the kit. (This will make it easier for us to assist you, should any issues arise.)
  • Alternatively, you can transfer your plant into garden soil to give it new life. The grow cup and capillary wick will need to stay attached to the roots now, however may be removed at a later stage once the plant has successfully formed additional soil roots.
  • Please be aware that not all plants will tolerate the stress during the transition from water and air roots – to soil. Ensure plenty of water during the adjustment period. Some plants will provide you with years of harvest once successfully transplanted.

We are so sorry to hear that. 🙁

You see, sometimes plants just die. You know, you do everything you can, and despite best efforts they don’t thrive.
Although it may be difficult to accept, often it is better to move on and start afresh!
Just give it another chance and order a refill pack from our site and we might even throw in a little extra if you let us know what happened.